Zino’s Petrel
Pterodroma madeira Mathews, 1934 (0, 1)
Photo © madeirabirds.com
Atlantic Ocean. Monotypic.
This first for Britain was found on one of the many pelagics into the south-western waters from the Isles of Scilly.
A paler crown which accentuates the facial mask and a stumpy thinner bill are features to check compared to Fea’s, Desertas and Soft-plumaged Petrels.
1). 2020 Isles of Scilly Approximatelt 3 km south of Bishop Rock Lighthouse, 1CY+, 30th July, photo.
(R. L. Flood, Isles of Scilly Bird and Natural History Review 2020: 161-165, photo; R. L. Flood, British Birds 114: 764; C. Holt, P. French and the Rarities Committee, British Birds 115: 578, plate 433; BOURC (2023) Ibis 165: 360; R. L. Flood, British Birds 117: 87-93, plates 55-60).